Olympic, an affair by 250 billion Print
Saturday, 21 April 2001 01:00
Start the sale Journal. Borghini: unacceptable. Melandri: exploiting the 'area

A day l 'auction by the' years, the state should collect. L 'offer of Presidents Sensi and Cragnotti Olimpico, a bargain by 250 billion Al via the sale Journal. Borghini: unacceptable. Melandri: exploiting the 'Olympic Stadium area, the cartel "sale" and' ready. For exhibit since yesterday, now even too ideally, Ottaviano Del Turkish and Vincenzo Visco. Yesterday the leaders of the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury have signed the decree that start 'the notice d' auction: by December 31, the splendid area that hosts the stadium will 'another master. Indeed, two: Franco Sensi and Sergio Cragnotti, except coups scene at this point really sensational. They most buyers' credit, even in the light of indications for 'exercise of first refusal for persons entitled: The document makes clear reference to entrepreneurs already' entered the world of sport and football in particular.


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