But President biancoceleste pushes again for Valmontone Print
Tuesday, 18 September 2007 00:00
Stadium, rispunta the hypothesis Fiumicino The designer Mercury: ideal solution but we have not paid the plastic
di MANUELE BAIOCCHINI da Il Tempo del 18-09-2007

FOR the Stadio delle Eagles all pushing for the town of Fiumicino.

All except the President Lotito. Even yesterday in fact have inseguite entries and statements on more of the moment and chatted, as had happened already in May last year, the hypothesis has returned Fiumicino prepotentemente knocking on the doors of the club biancoceleste. "If you want to build a stadium, the area best possible has identified the mayor of Fiumicino and we are prepared to support this solution - said Mayor Veltroni - in terms of placement would be fantastic. Now we need to understand if one wants to do a stadium or you want to build a city.


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