New Stadiums inside the Gra Print
Thursday, 01 May 2008 00:00
di Marcello Di Dio da Il Giornale del 01-05-2008

New stadium in Rome? Yes, but on one condition: the municipality should not pay a single euro. Gianni Alemanno I already spoke by mayor candidate, he spoke a few hours after his election to the Capitol and confirmed again yesterday in the transmission Unomattina. With some minor detail more: 'For two stages, Roma and Lazio, we will find areas inside the ring road so that they are not miles away - the words of neo mayor of the capital -. There are many options, we must make a choice urbanism. But the fundamental fact is to be achieved without a single penny spent by citizens of Rome. These stages are built if the clubs have the money to build.
The opening of Alemanno on facilities owned did gongolare the chairman of Lazio Lotito, which is not expected other message for pushing the idea dell'esilio definitively out of the Capital. "We could bring in revenues of 100 million euros a year, two years and half would be ready", the enthusiastic announcement of the manager biancoceleste so far by the junta stoppato Veltroni. If you look then at home Rome, the construction of a new stadium is on top of the list of the overall project to George Soros, but it would also be the only reason why the sheiks of Dubai have (or would, is conditional d 'Obligation) clubs interested in Trigoria. And even Rosella Sensi, in case of non-supply of society, guarderebbe welcome this assumption: the stadium property would increase the value of the first clubs that get in the pocket of revenues. Although serve a recapitalization that would involve those manufacturers to manage the contract, with actions for the senses that drop from 67 percent to 51. Currently, however, Roman entrepreneurs willing to get round a table we do not see.
Already 21 years ago, the former president giallorosso Dino Viola would have wanted to build a new stadium to Magliana. And immediately after the Scudetto in 2001, Franco Sensi filming the project creating a company - along with 'colleague' Sergio Cragnotti of Lazio - to privatize the Olympic. The operation was later stopped by the Tar.
Now the intervention of institutional Alemanno reopens games. The Juventus has already started with the project Delle Alpi, Roma and Lazio would andarle behind. The model is as always that English: stadium only for football, with restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas, outlets of official products and perhaps a museum of society. How reveals a recent research published in Il Sole 24 Ore, England football clubs derive 51 euros per spectator, in Italy only 16. A big difference that keeps us still miles away dall'agognato Anglo-Saxon model.
Lotito, who fought in the League for years in favour of the stadium property that it deems the sole source of sustenance for future societies, has long prepared the draft of the Stadio delle Eagles. He would have wanted to achieve in the area Tiberina on their land, the municipality had said no to remain faithful to dogni Plan regulator and to limit an alleged speculation. Lotito then gave an ultimatum, threatening the transfer extraterritorial first to Guidonia, then Valmontone, raising a fuss. Today, with the junta Alemanno, the Stadio delle Eagles are riavvicina in Rome, with the idea that Tiberina back popular.

With regard to Rome, we still have to identify an area within the Ring Road. One of the areas possible to develop the new plant is the area of Torrevecchia, arise where the future citadel of sport on land the family Sensi. In the second beat the Bufalotta, where the brothers Toti have recently built a large shopping mall. Finally there are the land along the Rome-Fiumicino.


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