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The Olympic Stadium is the largest and most large sports facility in the city of Rome.

The Stadium was born around the'30s with the name of Cipressi''Stadium''. In '50 is restructured and renamed with the name of''Stadium of hundred thousand''. In the 60s, during the Olympic Games, is extended again and ribatezzato under the name''''Stadio Olimpico.

It rises within the sports complex, Foro Italico, in the northern part of the city. The structure is intended primarily for football and all'atletica light, but occasionally hosts concerts of light music and events of various kinds. Throughout its history has undergone substantial metamorphosis 3.

The stadium was completely renovated during the World Cup Italy 1990; was completely demolished and rebuilt from scratch, except for the Forum Tiber expanded with the addition of further steps. All sectors of the stadium were fully covered.

The current capacity of 82,456 spectators (including places of the gallery press), all sitting, so the 14 ° stadium in the world for number of seats between the stadiums used for football, 29 ° between all stages and the second in Italy, just behind the Meazza Stadium in Milan.

In view of the Champions League final of 2009, assigned to the city of Rome, the Olympic Stadium will be between 2007 and 2008 an extensive restyling procedure, which will decrease the capacity.
The Olympic Stadium seen from Google Maps (click on photo for directions)

Stadio Olimpico visto da Google Maps

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What name for the stadium?

"Sponsor" Stadium - 5.9%
Casa Lazio - 1.6%
Eagle's Nest - 7.4%
nessuno dei precedenti - 3.2%
Stadio delle Aquile - 61%
Tommaso Maestrelli - 15.9%
Olimpia Stadium - 5.1%

Total votes: 2016
The voting for this poll has ended on: 29 Jul 2020 - 00:00

What you believe has the best Stadium of the World ?

Olimpico di Roma - 12.6%
Meazza di Milano - 6.4%
Emirates Stadium di Londra - Arsenal - 14%
Stamford Bridge di Londra - Chelsea - 9.3%
Allianz Arena di Monaco - Bayern Monaco - 23.1%
Nou Camp di Barcellona - 13.5%
Santiago Bernabeu di Madrid - 13.2%
Bombonera di Buenos Aires - 4.1%
Maracanà di Rio de Janeiro - 3.8%

Total votes: 1448
The voting for this poll has ended on: 31 Dec 2020 - 00:00


Quanti Spettatori dovrebbe contenere ?

max 30.000 - 4.1%
max 40.000 - 16.4%
max 50.000 - 40.5%
max 60.000 - 24.4%
max 80.000 - 12.2%
non è importante - 2.4%

Total votes: 754
The voting for this poll has ended on: 31 Dec 2020 - 00:00

Why the Olympic Stadium is NOT a football stadium ?

per la pista di atletica - 18.2%
perchè gli spettatori sono troppo lontani dal campo di gioco - 51.8%
perchè è condiviso con un'altra squadra - 10.1%
perchè è difficilmente raggiungibile - 1.5%
perchè non è di proprietà - 14.2%
perchè non esistono attività all'interno - 1.5%
altro non so - 2.8%

Total votes: 942
The voting for this poll has ended on: 31 Dec 2020 - 00:00

where to build it ?

a Roma all'interno del GRA - 44.5%
a Valmontone - 10.4%
a Fiumicino - 10.5%
a Riano - 6.2%
dove sorge l'attuale stadio Flaminio - 28.4%

Total votes: 910
The voting for this poll has ended on: 31 Dec 2020 - 00:00

Is it necessary ?

Assolutamente Si. Serve per Vincere - 62.5%
Si anche se non è indispensabile per Vincere - 26.9%
No. Non serve per Vincere - 6.5%
Non so - 4.2%

Total votes: 525
The voting for this poll has ended on: 31 Dec 2020 - 00:00